Craftsmen Released

Craftsmen Released

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There is a call being released to all craftsmen. God is calling us to step out of our comfort zones and into an adventure. One that involves BRINGING THE IMAGES OF HEAVEN TO EARTH!!! What God has placed in our hands is not just a fun "toy" or just a unique talent! What has been placed in our hands has the capacity to literally release heaven on earth! When we co labor with the Lord and create the images and colors that Holy Spirit shows us the atmosphere where these works of art are hung changes! A door is opened and people begin to peer into glimpses of Gods Glory!!!
"CRAFTSMEN RELEASED" is based on the horses that are found in the book of Zachariah and Revelation. It is a fascinating study to explore how God uses the imagery of these books and the meanings of each of the horses.
If you'd like to study it further has an excellent study on the book of Zachariah and Revelation that I would highly recommend!