Collection: Rey: Field of Promise and A Wave Of Prosperity
REY! The magnificent animal was our 2000 lb herd bull for several years! He is a beautiful animal!!! For my husbands 60th birthday I began asking the Lord for a painting to speak into my husbands life. What popped into my head was REY!!! REY represented the very essence of my husbands heart! I began to work on this large 48x48 canvas and when I cam e to where Rey was standing I began the questioning process again...."Lord, where is Rey standing and what is behind him. The next impression I had was that this wonderful animal was standing in a field of promise and behind him was a wave of prosperity!!! My heart was ecstatic!!!
I believe this painting carries a prophetic promise and declaration that announces that we stand in strength positioned in a field of promise with a wave of prosperity ready to break forth!!